Welcome to the Adventures of a Eccentric Woman

Embark on a unique travel experience with a fearless woman who defies conventions and explores the world on her own terms. Join me as I share my adventures, insights, and discoveries from across the globe.

Today's the Day!

Well, I am packed - although I have to swap some things out. I will admit that I am nervous. I'm not always a great flyer. Take off is the worst for me. However, I shall get through it. Considering I have six (6) flights in the next twelve days - Crazy. I am also very excited. I can hardly believe that I, Stacey Leadbetter, am going to Egypt, with a sidebar to London, UK. 

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T'was the night before travellings, and all through the house, my stuff was in piles, all strewn about

I've been in a bit of a panic today. So much to gather together. So much to think about. It's that horrible feeling of "what if I forget something?" mixed with "do I really need to bring that?" I had a bit of running around to do today. I had mani/pedi with the wonderful Sherry @lavishsalon. I then had to go to the office because I forgot to do a couple of things before I left on Friday - like change the voicemail! I was glad I went. It gave me sometime to sit and have lunch with my co-worker - I brought him a tea! I then had to get my currency. They did not get the Egyptian Pounds I ordered. Oh well. A visit to Purdy's helped with that. I left there and went to a small market for milk for one of the children. I then went and picked up another of my children. 🤣 It's all good.  

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I always wanted to be adventurous!

I have been troublesome. I have been spontaneous. I have been reckless. I have had adventures, most of which were inadvertent. They were amazing, fun, scary and hilarious, but completely unplanned. Now I am planning an adventure. Hopefully not the last one - as long as I get this one paid off! LOL. I hope you can join me on this adventure. First, a little backstory: 

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The Idea

The Adventures of a Eccentric Woman is a blog dedicated to inspiring and empowering older women to embrace solo travel and explore the wonders of the world. Through, what I hope are, captivating stories and practical tips, my aim is to encourage independence, curiosity, and self-discovery.

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