I've been in a bit of a panic today. So much to gather together. So much to think about. It's that horrible feeling of "what if I forget something?" mixed with "do I really need to bring that?" I had a bit of running around to do today. I had mani/pedi with the wonderful Sherry @lavishsalon. I then had to go to the office because I forgot to do a couple of things before I left on Friday - like change the voicemail! I was glad I went. It gave me sometime to sit and have lunch with my co-worker - I brought him a tea! I then had to get my currency. They did not get the Egyptian Pounds I ordered. Oh well. A visit to Purdy's helped with that. I left there and went to a small market for milk for one of the children. I then went and picked up another of my children. 🤣 It's all good.
Once at home, I started sorted some things. I take way too many meds and supplements! It's nuts. Trying to get them sorted, prescription ones in containers with the prescription on it, etc. I will have those in my carry-on. I'm allowed two bags to carry on. I can check two, but I am only checking one. I need to figure out clothing for the first few days as I will be on a Nile Cruise. I need day trip clothes and then dinner clothes. Although the cruise is not that formal, dress-up casual is expected.
My biggest fear is that my checked bag won't make it on to the plane for Cairo. I fly into Heathrow. I have a three-hour layover. Apparently, they will manage the transfer apparently. That's why I am packing several days worth of clothing in my carry-on. The temperature in Egypt is suppose to be good; between 25 and 27 ℃ during the day. Egypt Weather
I also have to pack for London. It is going to a little cooler and a little wetter! London Weather
I will get this sorted! Meanwhile, the lasagna is smelling amazing. I'm calmer now. When is someone going to invent a transporter?!?!?!?!?!
Have a great evening!
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